Anna Jones

This month's hotlister is former CEO of Hearst UK, Anna Jones - now co-founder of the AllBright Group - who is launching The AllBright, the UK's first-of-its-kind members' club for working women. The club is a unique space for women to connect, create and collaborate right in the heart of Bloomsbury." Jenny Halpern Prince “March is an important month, not just for us at AllBright, but for women everywhere, as we come together to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. Everyone can get involved with the celebrations. Why not #pressforprogress by joining the Women's March on 4 March, visit Emmeline and Christabel Pankhurst's Memorial in Victoria Tower Gardens to reflect on the centenary of women's right to vote; attend an evening of yoga with Shona Vertue to #raisehervoice or enjoy a free live global music webcast with Sarah McGuinness. At AllBright we'll be celebrating all week with our campaign to celebrate women coming together #sisterhoodworks"

— Anna Jones


Thursday 8th March is International Women’s Day and this means a celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of us ladies. *High Five*. There are a huge variety of events that take place across the globe but we wanted to let you know about our fave in London. From the 7th to the 11th, the Southbank Centre hosts the WOW Festival- ‘Women of the World provides a platform for celebrating what has been achieved, and explores all the ways we can change the world for the better.’ Events across these five days include talks, dance performances, comedy sketches, art installations and more. Some of the highlights for us include Mouthpiece - a heart-wrenching and humorous performance journeying into the female psyche, Women, War and Peace Building where a panel will discuss the role of the women in revolution, war and peace-building, and also keynote speeches from around the world addressing potent topics for women and girls in Power, Purpose and Progress. 2018 may mark 100 years since women won the right to vote but unfortunately, there is a still a lot of progress to be made and events such as WOW are helping towards this. It gets our Hotlist vote for sure. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Speakeasys aren't dead guys, and neither is the trend. We know this because there’s another new one that’s just opened, beneath the Nelson’s Head...on Horatio Hackney. Edgy, we know. Two mates and more importantly, excellent barmen who worked together at Callooh Callay, joined forces to open the Horatio Street Social Club, offering up a host of cheeky looking cocktails as well as wines and beers. The cocktails have really endearing names such as...ahem, Garfields Funeral and Kill the Cook, but don't let that put you off. The wine list is equally intriguing and in the words of HSSC it aims “to prove that you shouldn't turn your nose up at supermarket wine because supermarket wine is fucking delicious.” We couldn't agree more….and we drink a lot of supermarket wine so we know. So, if you like great drinks and you like being ‘social’ then we think you might just like this spot. Facebook | Instagram


We’re sticking East for food, we need you to drink responsibly and thus ensure there is food in your stomach after those cocktails at the Horatio Street Social Club, so skip over to Old Street and take a seat at Nuala London. With this current Baltic weather, you’ll be warmed to know there is an open fire pit for cooking in the middle of the restaurant which has been set up by Chef Niall Davidson of Chiltern Firehouse fame. This is his first restaurant and he’s brought Colin Sherry, Charlie Sims, John O’Dowd and Honey Spencer with him. Which is the equivalent of having the culinary A-Team stood behind you, having notched up their years of experience at the likes of Noma, Fat Duck and Bistrotheque. The 75 seater all-day restaurant will serve up fire cooked beef and fish deliciousness, bar snacks and many a Celtic inspired dish thanks to Davidson’s Irish and Scottish heritage. We’ve heard the hospitality is second to none and we can't think of anything more pleasant than kicking back around the fire pit and tucking into some top quality grub. Facebook | Instagram


Summer and Smoke is a two-part play written by the legendary Tennessee Williams, of A Streetcar Named Desire fame, and this month a production opens up at the Almeida Theatre in North London to much critical acclaim and excitement. This is only the second large production of Williams’ lesser known play in the capital despite it’s much larger popularity in the States. An “intoxicating classic about love, loneliness and self-destruction”, set in Mississippi and telling the story of lead character Alma, an unmarried minister’s daughter and the wild relationship that occurs between her and John, the sensuous doctor who lives next door. Ooh err! They are different personalities entirely but the play explores how they switch in terms of their behaviours and beliefs as their relationship develops. Williams is a world-famous playwright for a reason and this production looks set to be captivating. Tickets start at £10, so no excuse not to head over to catch a performance. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Ah Londoners, some of us are never always content with a simple art show or a new restaurant. Instead we crave an interactive activity, something to test the ol’ grey matter or exercise our commute dreary limbs and this has been seen mostly over the last few years with the arrival of multiple escape rooms, the return of The Crystal Maze and immersive theatre productions. If all the above appeals to you then this is why we wanted to tell you about The Grift, especially as it ends at the end of March so you’ll need to act fast on booking in for the latest in a long line of adventurous London based experiences. Located at the Bethnal Green Town Hall Hotel, The Grift sees you and your fellow audience members move your way around the rooms in a sort of large scale live version of Cluedo, solving clues, interacting with the characters and “pulling off one final swindle to take down a seamy criminal mastermind.” Take a seat Poirot, we’ve got this. The Grift has received rave reviews and you can even book out a slot for a private experience if you want to take on the challenge with just friends. Tickets start at £35. Facebook | Twitter


Ok, so this is a slightly tenuous link to Mother’s Day but if you fancied something a little different from flowers and a card then the Faulty Towers Dining Experience could be perfect for your mother and you...if she’s game for a comedy evening of food and calamity that is. Inspired by one of Britain’s greatest comedy series (which, can you believe it, only made 12 episodes in total?!) the Faulty Towers Dining Experience is a 2-hour interactive production which features you, the diners, as the audience. As you tuck into your three-course meal (lunch and dinner slots both available) you will be caught up in the madness of the three performers who replicate the spirit of the completely incompetent hotel staff that made the show so popular. Now we must alert you to the fact that this is in no way associated with the TV programme but rather is a dedication to it’s humour and disastrous hilarity. The madness takes place at the De Vere Connaught Rooms in Holborn and tickets can be bought here.


Come on now, Beatrix Potter and that scamp Peter Rabbit are childhood favourites for everyone surely? So, for that reason we are excited about the new animated comedy version of the story that's hitting cinemas this month. It’s time to initiate the little’uns in our lives to Peter, Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-Tail, Mrs Tiggy Winkle, Jemima Puddle Duck and the rest of the gang. The main man himself is voiced by James Corden and the cast also includes Margot Robbie, Sam Neil, Rose Byrne, Daisy Ridley and Domhnall Gleeson to name a few. Clearly a small cast budget then! Together their characters navigate the wonders of Mr McGregors garden and vegetable patch whilst dodging the efforts of one of his relatives who moves in and is most unhappy at the furry friends that frolic around. A firm family favourite for a reason, we can't wait to watch. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Do ya like art? Do ya want to buy more art? Do ya not have the millions in your bank account that a Picasso or a Hirst might cost ya? Well then from the 22nd to the 25th March get your behind down to The Other Art Fair presented by Saatchi Art, at Victoria House in Central London and check out the UK's favourite fair. Go along to meet and buy art direct from the very best emerging and undiscovered artists. It might not cost you millions now but it could be worth that in the future ;) Tickets are available from £6.82 (to be precise), and you can meet the artists, browse the work, listen to engaging and insightful talks and if you take the kids they can also take part in a host of free children's activities. Start ‘em young and they may well have their work featured at a fair in the future! If you want a sneak peek then check out the artists who will be present here and there’s even an app which will help you plan your visit to the fair. If you can’t make the London event then you may be intrigued to know they run the same fair in Bristol, LA, Melbourne, Sydney, San Francisco and of course, New York. So, your walls could be adorned with masterpieces from all over the globe. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter


Calling over dog lovers! Head over to Shoreditch and the Shoreditch Dog House for the chance to hang out with some hounds, pet some pooches and contribute to charity all at the same time. They are the first Profit-For-Purpose (not-for-profit), eco-friendly, dog creche service for the working professionals of Shoreditch and “Silicon Roundabout” meaning you can drop your dog off for the day to be looked after and cuddled by people who pay to have a squeeze and give a belly rub. The money spent goes to The Canvas Cafe: Pay-it-Forward board, which feeds the homeless community in Tower Hamlets. The concept takes place at the Canvas on Hanbury Street and closes at the end of March so make sure to book in asap. Just two hours of doggy day care pays for someone to have a hot meal or drink. Instagram | Twitter


Vero , the social media app thousands are turning to, is a platform for anyone who has content they love enough to share. So...everyone pretty much then. Vero is being touted as the new Instagram, which is QUITE the claim so no pressure on them but it’s a place to share your love of movies, TV, music, books, places, photos, links and more all in one place. We can see why it’s fast turning into a new favourite app- everything in one place to share with your favourite social media peops, who you can also split out into audiences of your choosing? What's not to love. It also displays your feed in chronological order which is what has caused beef with so many fans of Insta for one thing. The app itself launched a few years ago but social media fans have been flocking to it at quite a pace in the past few weeks. So, if you haven't already downloaded, make sure to check it out. Facebook |Twitter


Emily Brooke


Melissa Hemsley