Priyanga Burford

"April comes with a triple whammy of joy: Easter's regenerative symbolism- especially this year; Chocolate (surely one of humanity's greatest discoveries) and the fruition of work made under difficult conditions during lockdown.

INNOCENT 2 written by Chris Lang and Matt Aldridge will be out on ITV towards the end of the month. It's set in the Lake District and is a great study of community: of imperfect people (which is all of us) trying to make sense of situations which seem to be beyond them. I play Karen Moss, who's carefully and strenuously put together life in this area suddenly unravels. It's a murder mystery where we start off with the case apparently solved.

The Carer is a short film we shot at the end of March highlighting another complicated situation. There are more unpaid carers in this country than there are workers in the NHS or Armed Forces, but their stories are hidden and largely unexplored in screen drama; I suppose it's one of the least glamorous of worlds to portray. In this film, I play Lisa a carer who's entirely responsible for her elderly bedbound mother. It's written by Georgia Fitch and directed by Amrita Achariya. The film shows the unrelenting pressure unpaid carers can be under and the loneliness that might engulf them. It's a simple and moving story: small and big at the same time. 

Thinking again about regeneration, I'm looking forward to the EE BAFTA Film awards this year more than I have for a while. The shortlists have such a variety of film makers and genres represented and the nominees in the performance categories are truly diverse. This year it feels like it's the British industry which is leading the world in efforts to reward excellence wherever it's found. I'm delighted to be a BAFTA member in 2021.”

Priyanga Burford


The warmer weather is returning and restrictions are finally easing, this means we can get outdoors and socialise with our nearest and dearest after what feels like forever! Now we are allowed to have 6 people in our gardens so why not make your upcoming social occasions into a classic London outdoor summer event of your own- outdoor cinema! Celestial Cinema have created the perfect solution to all our home entertainment needs for the ideal home movie night. Home Edition is a ‘cinema in a box’ experience kit that allows us to enjoy our favourite films on 72” screens. Paired with a projector to provide the ultimate in transformational flexibility and using hassle free technology with a variety of compatibility options, it couldn’t be easier, or cooler. Each box comes with popcorn and everything you need to create that movie magic experience. So whether you are snuggling up for a family friendly favourite or adding a sparkle of romance to date night, Home Edition has it covered. Priced at £89.50 the kit will last you all summer long and frankly, when the cold weather returns (we aren’t thinking about that yet though) then repurpose it in your living room for a wide screen movie night under a blanket! Dim the lights, open the popcorn and get ready for a magical evening.

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Burnt Sugar has been shortlisted for 2020 booker prize and also shortlisted for the 2021 Women’s Prize for Fiction- two important bits of information to whet your appetite before we go any further dearest book worms! Doshi wrote this novel over the course of seven years and it tells the story of a troubled mother-daughter relationship in Pune, India. ‘In her youth, Tara was wild. She abandoned her loveless marriage to join an ashram, endured a brief stint as a beggar (mostly to spite her affluent parents), and spent years chasing after a dishevelled, homeless 'artist' - all with her young child in tow. Now she is forgetting things, mixing up her maid's wages and leaving the gas on all night, and her grown-up daughter is faced with the task of caring for a woman who never cared for her.’ Described by The Guardian as “painfully exhilarating” this novel is both a love story and a tale of betrayal between mother and daughter and Doshi makes you question what you can truly know about those closest to you and indeed yourself. It’s a powerful book and one we aren’t surprised to see shortlisted for so many huge accolades. Available to buy here.

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We’re allowed to socialise and so it will come as no surprise that outside bars across the capital are lining up the activities and music nights, Brixton Jamm included! This month they introduce ‘The Brixton Courtyard – a socially distant outdoor experience, a new way to party.’ Set across three outside areas they have created the perfect - and safe- new space to socialise in, with craft beverages, cocktails, multiple street food traders, world class DJ’s and more. OMG we couldn’t be more excited - freedom and the summer! The nights are proving popular so get in fast to a few of the remaining options for April or get in early for May onwards! Music will span across all genres including House, Disco, Jazz, Hip Hop and Soul and there will also be Brunches, Comedy nights, Quiz Nights, Bingo and more entertainment for us all. Just gather yer mates, book a booth and settle in for one helluva partAY.

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If you’ve lived in London over a summer and not heard of or ventured to Franks Bar in Peckham then we can only assume you live under a rock. It’s a staple of the summer diary and one we all count down the days to opening- for the drinks, the views and for that moment of “Aaaah man! We live in a fab city” that comes as you take your first sip surveying the vista. Well, lovely ones, the peops behind Franks (and the Camberwell Arms, another ruddy epic establishment) have now created Mike’s Peckham. A pizza joint that’s taken over the space left behind by Forza Win (sadly a victim of the pandemic last year). Mike’s is due to open on the 13th of the month but you can submit your email to their website for updates and also book a table now, ready for when its doors swing open. Taking inspo from Italy to New York, their sole aim is to bring us the best pizza imaginable and my goodness are we here for it. If you don’t believe us then know this - Head chef Gabriele Bonci, is known as “the Michelangelo of pizza” in his native Italy and indeed across the world. See, told you we weren’t kidding.

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Voted one of London’s best outdoor pop-up cocktail bars since 2012, The Midnight Apothecary in Rotherhithe, specialises in lovingly prepared seasonal botanical cocktails round a campfire. Quaint, kitsch, British, there are many words to describe the set-up but we adore it. And the lady to thank is Midnight Apothecary founder Lottie Muir AKA The Cocktail Gardener. Rather excitingly, with April comes the reopening of the Midnight Apothecary (on the 15th) so we can once more indulge in some spring wild cocktails and campfires, surrounded by wildlife! We are invited to embrace the magic of 'Friluftsliv', the Nordic concept of open-air living. With individual firepits to hire, s'mores to devour and deluxe hot rum toddies to keep us extra toasty on cooler afternoons and evenings.  All of this comes at a safe social distance and is the perfect backdrop for date night or an intimate catch up with much missed pals. Located just 1 minute from Rotherhithe station at the Brunel Museum, all proceeds from the Midnight Apothecary go to the Brunel Museum. So head on down and enjoy some escapism, Nordic style, in the heart of the city.

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Fancy doing something a little different? How are you with an oar? We bring you the Secret Adventure Kayak to Crate Brewery which does exactly what it says on the tin, as you are invited to paddle through London’s oldest canal from Limehouse to Crate Brewery’s bar on the water’s edge in Hackney Wick. You need not actually possess any previous kayaking or rowing skill but you do need to be 18 years or older. The 5 kilometre route follows the Limehouse Cut and River Lea with houseboats, warehouses, swans and other birdlife to admire along the way. You will get briefed by a professional before setting off and all the equipment is included. However, it is recommended that you wear some warm and waterproof clothing as well as a waterproof jacket. Also, if you are worried about getting splashed then perhaps a change of clothes is also encouraged. The kayaks seat two so best to pair up with a pal or if you’re flying (rowing) solo, they will pair you up with a new friend for you! Book yourself in via the website and get there early to enjoy a beverage before you set off!

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There are a few different bar options in this month’s Hotlist but we can’t help but include as we are just giddy at the prospect of bars and pubs reopening and being able to sit in the sunshine with friends after so long, so forgive us! Bar Elba’s dreamy Waterloo rooftop setting is now taking bookings from the 12th April onwards and this includes for their bottomless rooftop brunch delight. As you head on up to the 5th-floor, you’ll be transported straight to their tropical party paradise- a rooftop brimming with atmosphere, dreamy decor and a back bar stocked with all your favourite tipples. The huge terrace of Bar Elba overlooks the city, making their bottomless brunch the perfect choice for any bog occasions! Check out the website for more info on the upcoming rooftop cinema, supper sesh’s and more. Yasssss sunshine on a roof!

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Sunday 11th April marks World Parkinson’s Day when the Parkinson’s community will come together with Parkinson’s UK and celebrate the power of their strong community and make new connections. As well as kick off Parkinson’s Awareness Week! The live event hosted by Parkinson's activists Dave Clark and Clare Addison is designed to help everyone learn about the latest developments in Parkinson’s research and how we can get involved. You can hear from people with Parkinson’s about some of the amazing ways they’ve managed to rally together and support each other, despite all the restrictions and lastly learn what we can all do to reach out and support people we know, who might need to see a friendly face or know that they are not alone. Parkinson's disease is a condition that affects the brain, causing problems like shaking and stiffness that get worse over time. It can affect anyone over a certain age but is more prevalent in men over 60 than women. The amazing people at Parkinson’s UK fund research into the most promising treatments, trying to reach a cure for this disease. Show your support this month to Parkinson’s UK and donate here.

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Whilst we have certainly had more time to slow down in the last year, the art of keeping a diary can still be very time consuming for some. Chronicling your thoughts, activities and dreams just doesn’t quite make the top 10 to do list each day. With social media nowadays, you could argue that is a form of journaling in itself. Well if you do want to commit something more profound or just simpler, down on “paper” then why not try out the DayGram app which embraces minimalism and encourages short, snappy entries- a line a day almost. The app gives you a way to write down what you are feeling or doing but makes sure that your captured thoughts are simple and to the point. Tap a button to add your entry for the day and view your entire timeline of entries, checking previous days, months or even years, if you’d like.


Amy Manson


Halpern Hotlist X IWD